#1: Olympus Evolt E500 8MP Digital SLR with Zuiko 14-45mm f/3.5-5.6 Digital SLR Lens Reviews!

Without a doubt this was a hefty camera to deal with in terms of price.I was looking to replace my first digital camera which was an Aiptek DV4500 4MP MPEG4 Pocket Digital Camcorder,more of a swiss army knife digital camera/camcorder/voice recorder thingy-more of a toy then a functional device.Finally one day,it just fell apart basically.So in some haste I replaced it with....this.I found myself with a large money surplus and decided that if I were to invest a lot of money in a new digital camera,I wanted one that had similar functions to the Pentax K1000,[USED] P30T, 05520, 35mm Cameras and Ricoh KR-5 manual 35mm SLR's I'd been using along with comperable if not better image quality. When I first took this camera out of the box I found it more then a little intimidating.The instruction manual is the size of a small novel (presented in three languages) and frankly....three years after purchasing the camera I still haven't learned every single little thing about it. Digital SLR's are a very very different animal from what I'd been used to. After you insert your flash memory card your off to the races and all you have to do is....figure out all the complex technicalities of SLR photography. Of course with a few days practice you will get incredible photographs with this,especially if you had a lot of knowledge beforehand about photography as I did.At present there are 12 megapixel cameras out there but,even now the resolution on this 8 megapixel model is absolutely stunning. It's definately a professional camera and has all kinds of sophisticated features.One of my favorites on this is the motor drive.It's a bit tough to use this setting with the built in flash but in proper conditions it is an excellent feature for any kind of action photography.This camera also has a number of amazing lighting and and picture options.You can choose from a number of ISO speeds but,of course keep in mind that as with 35MM the higher an ISO speed you choose,the coarser and grainer the finished product is likely to appear,especially when printed on huge paper. But this camera does offer all the great features of a semi-automatic 35 mm SLR and two excellent lenses.One word of note:you'll probably require a longer range flash attachment for the 80-200 telephoto zoom lens included but in terms of outdoor work it really does bring in far images closer and clearer,with not too bad f-stops too.Other great lighting features are a handful of flash options,even for outdoor "fill" flash use and even on the automatic setting the use of exposure compensation to lighten or darken your general image. There is a manual setting which allows you full control but even I admit I rarely use it:the manual shutter/F-stop settings are controlled with tiny buttons that are hard to sync up and,while a built in light meter is included for this situation it's somewhat more time consuming.So recommended setting on this camera for the impatient subject?From my experience that would be the auto close up (or portrait) setting with the motor drive swiched on,with the use of flash indoors or natural light outside for the best effect.So with a little practice with it's complex modes and a little time this camera will delivery the best pictures you can probably imagine.
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Olympus Evolt E500 8MP Digital SLR with Zuiko 14-45mm f/3.5-5.6 Digital SLR Lens Features
- 8-megapixel CCD captures enough detail for photo-quality 16 x 22-inch prints
- 2.5-inch HyperCrystal LCD display; 5 metering modes and built-in filters, including nine filters for black-and-white photography
- Exclusive dust-free technology for spot-free photos
- Lightweight ergonomic design; kit includes Zuiko 14-45mm f3.5-5.6 digital SLR lens
- Powered by one lithium-ion battery; stores images on CF, Micro Drive, or xD Picture Cards
Customer Reviews
A Classic from Olympus ! - Francisco Salazar - MARACAY, ARAGUA Venezuela
This was my first digital SLR, and it's a great camera, olympus gives you a lot of advanced options even in their entry level models, build quality it's a lot better than the equivalent canon or nikon offers, also zuiko lens are among the best on the market, even the kit lens are great, you can't say that about the other camera brands ;), i also have the newer e520 wich it's really cool to use with old manual OM zuiko lens with the liveview feature , but i think the Kodak sensor in the e500 it's far superior at lower isos, better colours and overall dinamyc range .