Friday, June 18, 2010

Olympus Stylus 1000 10MP Digital Camera with Digital Image Stabilized 3x Optical Zoom

#1: Olympus Stylus 1000 10MP Digital Camera with Digital Image Stabilized 3x Optical Zoom Reviews!

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I bought this camera last May, 2008. I have absolutely loved it from day one out of the box. It is very easy to use. Now almost a year later, I am still finding new goodies to use on this camera. The pictures are far superior than my friends cameras. I love the 10pixel. Awesome. I love the video quality too. It's very good for a camera. Love the options such as making a Year Calendar, makes great gifts for the grandparents & such. I can go on & on about this camera. It really is a top of the line product.

Olympus Stylus 1000 10MP Digital Camera with Digital Image Stabilized 3x Optical Zoom Features

  • 10-megapixel CCD captures enough detail for photo-quality 18 x 24-inch prints
  • 3x optical zoom; 2.5-inch LCD display; compact, all-weather body
  • Bright Capture technology; 24 selectable shooting modes; built-in Help guide
  • Perfect Fix feature includes Digital Image Stabilization Edit, Lighting Fix, and Red-Eye Fix
  • Stores images on xD Picture Cards; powered by Li-Ion battery (battery and charger included)

Customer Reviews

Smoking camera is unreliable - csaba2000 -
The three types of scenes I am usually photographing are rock and mountain climbing, sumptuous (dress up) balls, and casual house/cocktail parties. I bought the Olympus three years ago specifically because of the image stabalization, as it was one of the first cameras to market with it (at that time almost no camera had it), and I figured I could count on the brand.

Out of the four cameras that I've had over the last 10 years or so starting with a Kodak 1.5 megapixel, this Olympus is at the bottom of my list. The image stabilization has not done anything useful on my camera as far as I can tell. Perhaps it is better with more recent versions? - I don't know. What I do know is that my pictures are usually coming out worse than friends who have cameras with far fewer megapixels. Operator error? Possibly, but I've had digital cameras going back 10 years that I haven't had these problems with. And the worst of it is that I can't predict when the picture will come out bad. For example, two shots of the same scene from the same place taken seconds apart might have one good one and one fuzzy one, and I can't tell just by looking at the (unmagnified) image on the back. The inconsistancy is horrible on this camera. In anything less than bright light (ie. ballroom or parties), the liklikhood of fuzziness / graininess is high.

This camera is smokin'. Literally. About every 1 in 10 to 20 shots, again without discernable pattern, when I take a shot, a thin whisp of smoke will ascend from the top right of the camera (from the area around the power button/flash/'take the picture' button). The first several times, I thought I must be imagining things, but no, it's there. Then I thought that it means that the camera is on its last leg, but no, the camera has not gotten noticably poorer (except the focusing mechanism). Go figure, I never heard of this before.

The third area of inconsistancy is that the autofocus is completely undependable. This includes upon startup (such as when I spot a passing momentary scene - I am usually quick on the draw to bring the camera up, but often it is all for naught because the camera can't get its focusing done in time to take the pic). Even when I have pre metered (by holding down the 'take the picture' button down halfway) I will often get this behaviour, such as when I prepare for the action shot of, say, someone jumping over a crevasse, and then ... all that risk for nothing. On this point (autofocus), the camera does seem to have degraded over time.

I'm fine with the camera weight and body. The external hardware is fine for me. Sometimes I take photos as I am clinging to a rock wall with one hand, camera in the other - so one handed operation works for me.

Olympus is a well respected brand. It should be offering rock solid dependability, but I am sorry to say they really dropped the ball with this (at the time) flagship camera. I have missed many good imprompteau shots because of the autofocus issue, and so much more than that because of the random fuzziness generator. I am happy that after three years of pain with this camera I will finally be getting a replacement, recession notwithstanding.

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