Saturday, September 18, 2010

Casio Exilim EX-S10BK 10MP 3x Zoom 2.7-Inch LCD Screen Digital Camera (Black)

#1: Casio Exilim EX-S10BK 10MP 3x Zoom 2.7-Inch LCD Screen Digital Camera (Black) Reviews!

- Very small, fits in shirt pocket; a camera that you can everywhere always
- Sturdy construction, due to metal frame
- Very fast start-up and autofocus speed; real snapshot camera
- Good Monitor
- Side-bar type menu for adjustment of the 8 most often used menu items (flash, picture size, face recognition etc.)
- Very good picture quality; does not overachieve, but for normal use (blogs, 5x7 printouts, photobooks) it is more than adequate; very nice color rendition; very decent grain at low ISO settings (up until 400); don't expect Ansel Adams like photos, but for every day use the quality is very good
- Looks very stylish

Could be better:
- Very small buttons; if your in the habit of biting your fingernails, bring a pen ...
- Lens distortion; it does not look very good when straight vertical lines on the edges (like telephone poles or trees) are somewhat bent to the center at the upper part; does not play a big role when photographing people, but with landscapes and architecture, you better know what to expect
- Face recognition works slow and only when face is not angled; not big deal, but my Fujifilm F100fd does a far more better job ...

- The so called "Handbook"; this is a joke - it is fairly thick, but only because they cramped a gazillion exotic languages in it. It is written for the total newbie and does not have any useful information for advanced shooters in it; I would like to have known what the numerous Best Shot programs do, like setting sharpness, color balance, shutter speed and so on; this information is given as two liner in the BS menu in camera, but not with much detail. So you need to guess how the pictures will come out when using the BS function.
And even if you are a novice, it lets you in the dark on so many aspects of this camera. You almost need to possess the knowledge of a pro to compensate for the lack of information in the handbook ...

Other observations:
- It was mentioned in a few reviews, that the camera looses all settings when turned off. That is not true - in the REC menu, at the "memory" tab, you can tell the camera which settings to keep when shut off. I really understand that people did not find this information - it is not mentioned in the handbook (see above ...) and if you are not a little bit experienced in handling digital cameras (this is my 15th since 1999 ...), you will not find this function easily.
- The AUTO program limits the automatic ISO setting to 200. Which is a good thing, because in higher ISO settings, the pictures show considerable noise. The Landscape Best Shot setting does the same, the Night BS setting allows ISO 1600. Would have been nice to find that kind of information in the handbook, instead by analyzing photos by my own ...
- Battery life is not great - as can be expected when the battery is as tiny as a book of matches. About 200 pictures is my average, which is acceptable for me.

So, to sum it up:
A very stylish, small, yet sturdy camera you can carry with you all the time, that makes good pictures and is especially suited for snapshots.
I use it predominantly for taking pictures for my blogs, and it is great for this.

>>>>See More Details & Check Price Now!<<<<<

Casio Exilim EX-S10BK 10MP 3x Zoom 2.7-Inch LCD Screen Digital Camera (Black) Features

  • 10mp with 3x zoom
  • Auto shutter
  • You Tube ready
  • Instant video button
  • Face detection

Customer Reviews

constant image noise and blur!!! - Life Lover - Albany, NY
I've had this camera for about 5 months now, and I'm constantly frustrated with the image quality. Often blurry, and always noisy. I'm now in the market for a new camera all together. I almost always have to take a picture two or three times before it's not blurry (isn't this camera supposed to have anti-shake?) and I find the indoor quality to be the most frustrating. I've toyed around with different settings, and nothing seems to be the sure fixer. I'm now looking for a camera that has good low-light capability.

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