Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fujifilm Finepix F480 8MP Digital Camera with 4x wide optical zoom

#1: Fujifilm Finepix F480 8MP Digital Camera with 4x wide optical zoom Reviews!

After three HP cameras (one upgraded, two lost), I decided to jump ship to Fuji. My requirements: 1) Large LCD screen (no glasses needed), 2) Wide-angle lens for family pictures indoor, 3) Anti-shake and 4) Reasonable microphone for videos. This unit covers all the requirements quite nicely. I have also read some of the reviews trashing the picture itself and I couldn't disagree more. I regularly blow up sections of pictures with no problem. No jitter, even with my slightly shaky grip. One thing I do miss from the HP's: they had a separate button for movies. With the Fuji, you need to select movie mode, then shoot. My recommendation: I now can't live without a wide angle optical zoom and the Fuji does it well. I'd buy it again.

>>>>See More Details & Check Price Now!<<<<<

Fujifilm Finepix F480 8MP Digital Camera with 4x wide optical zoom Features

  • 8-megapixel CCD sensor
  • 4x wide optical zoom ((28-112mm); 2.7-inch LCD screen
  • Picture Stabilization technology; shoot up to 800 ISO at full resolution
  • 14 selectable scene modes
  • Stores images on xD or SD memory cards (not included); powered by lithium-ion battery (battery and charger included)

Customer Reviews

decent pocket/snapshot camera - Christopher Koch - Seattle, WA
I wanted a pocket sized camera with a "so called "wide angle" for a trip to Venice last year and bought this a bit impulsively. It has been sturdy and withstood cargo pant pockets, backpacks and all around rough treatment with no problems.
It is a simple and easy to use camera with limited features/controls. The picture quality is Very good for the price and limited control options. Battery life is not very long so I bought an extra battery and always take it if i know I am going to take more than 200 pictures.
The Video quality is fair but the audio is so bad that I will now only take my Lumix or my Everio if I know I am going to want video options.
Like most cameras this size low light conditions are not an option with this camera.
I basically think of this camera as the modern digital version of an old 110 point and shoot.

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