Sunday, August 29, 2010

Outlaw Slinger BoardBungee Package

#1: Outlaw Slinger BoardBungee Package Reviews!

I ordered the Outlaw Slinger Bungee from the web-site and received it a month ago. It's completely sick because whenever it snows in my city I get to chas'n rails and ledges. It shoots us a lot quicker then you'd think and saves us a ton of time since we don't have to build drop in ramps. It makes un-hittable terrain hittable. I've had it for a month now and it hasn't lost any strength or shown signs of wear yet and we keep discover cool new uses for it. I would definitely say get this product if you shred or skate!

>>>>See More Details & Check Price Now!<<<<<

Outlaw Slinger BoardBungee Package Features

  • The Most Popular Banshee Bungee Package. Includes 20 foot Bungee, Ride Handle, and Lead Line
  • Perfect for Snow, Skate, Skim applications
  • includes one 20 foot bungee which will stretch 140 feet and pull up to 30 MPH
  • Board Bungee used for towing riders in all applications
  • 3 ply braided Bungee for extra saftey

Customer Reviews

great idea, poor product and customer satisfaction - Adam Paul Henriques -
if your willing to throw away [...] bucks in a hurry, you should buy this system. At the price they sell this thing at, it it a complete skam as far as im convinved. mine broke after using it for 2 DAYS and to find out that the company doenst do anything about broken bungees, i am still quite heated about it. DO NOT BUY ONE UNLESS YOU LIKE THROWING YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY AWAY!!!

not to mention that i only received one handle (out of two) that quickly broke after two days of use. really consider how badly your are willing to buy this expensive product without any warranty.

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